A few Acrylic Paintings by Cole Sonafrank
© Copyright Cole Sonafrank 1990-98
Connections, 1993, a different color balance, very 3-dimensional
Relaxed Ribbons, 1994, the ribbons are actually metalic blue and green
Fluid Weave, 1993, thick metalics and transparents
Six Minutes of Peace, 1994, quick, thick knife work
Iridescent Doodles, 1993, transparents over iridescents
Fortune, 1990, thick, heavily built up mosaic "tiles"
Most of my acrylics are heavily textured and many use iridescent paint, so I have difficulty photographing them well. They are designed to change dramatically with different lighting and viewing angles.
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All images © Copyright Cole Sonafrank 1990-2000
Email Cole at sonafrank@ElverOfEster.com
or call 907-474-8831(H), 907-474-7277(W)
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